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Tuesday 22 March 2011



BIOS stands for basic input and output system, it is usually found in form of a chip on the motherboard. BIOS kick in the moment you boot your system to get the necessary components running b\4 the operating system starts.
Modern BIOS are plug and play which means they can automatically recognize and configure most new expansion cards and hardware devices.



It is a permanent memory powered by a battery that keeps the record of your system configuration when the system is shut down. A batter is attached to it .Here at the CMOS you can alter the system configuration for instance the drive order in which your system boot with. E.g. cd-rom> hdd>floppy.
In some pc you will see hit del to run setup or hit f2.The moment you enter the setup i.e. the BIOS\CMOS setup you will be furnished with set of information on a dialogue box which after any amendment will prompt you to save and exit.

These are the recovering tools in the technical field which help to resuscitate your pc when there is abnormal behavior coming from the hard disk and other sensitive component. It is also called Repairing tools. some example of system utility are as follows Newton disk doctor, Newton anti-virus, anti virus guard{AVG},scan disk, disk defragmentation, fdisk, format, disk clean-up.
N\B: to activate this system tool you must make sure that no other program is running to avoid deleting it.


these are the those system utility tools that are in side the system e.g. disk defragmentation and disk clean-up.

These are those systems utility that are not found inside the system rather they are writing programs that are meant to be use as recovering tools for the system e.g. anti-virus.
N\B: boot sector virus is those unwanted programs which when it affect your system will eventually lead to reformatting your system.

1st step: Go to start button
2nd step: Go to programs
3rd step: Go to accessories
4th step: Go to system tools.
Then finally select the system utility that you want to apply.


UPGRADE: To replace low capacity hardware with a new higher capacity .stepping from lower grade to a higher grade.
CD-ROM: compact disc read only memory
I.D.E: Integrated Device Electronic
ATAPI: Advance technology attachment interface
ISA: Industrial standard architect
PCI: Peripheral component interconnect
PnP: Plug and play {a standard that enables the window to automatically
Recognize and configure a device}.
P.P: Power Pack
FAT: File allocation table
USB: universal serial bus
SCSI {pronounce scorzy}: small computer system interface
CMOS: complimentary metal oxide semi-conductor.
VGA: video graphic adapter\array’
CNR: Communication and network riser


Hard disk is an electronics device use in storing, processing and formatting data. Files once saved on the hdd are housed in a safe storage. These files are retrieved from the hdd disc deleted or resaved at will. These files are not lost even if the hdd is removed from the system. The hdd is described as the power house of the computer. It is also referred to as the heart of the computer as every thing in the system is related to the hdd in one way or the other. hdd come in different capacities ranging from 5mb,10mb,500mb,1gb,20gb,50gb 100gb e.t.c. We have different maker of hdd some maker of hdd includes the following: sea gate, carnaval, western digital, Maxtor, quantum e.t.c.
N\B: higher capacity hdd cannot be accommodated in a lower level mother board.


Jumpers are small pin found on the motherboard which controls the setting of drives on your motherboard. Jumpers are also known as switch, they help in assigning work to the component and drives. It is a divisional media which helps in assigning work to the drives e.g. CD-ROM,HDD e.t.c. N\B: Misapplication of these jumpers can deter the smooth running of the pc.

We jumper in the following ways: MASTER, SLAVE, And CABLE SELECT.


We connect the drive with the IDE by umpiring the drive to the master position .it may be the hdd or the cd-rom.


When using one IDE to connect two drives, we connect the drive that we want to boot with to the master position and the other to the slave position. E.g. it can either be two hdd or two cd-rom.

When using two IDE to connect two separate drives, we connect the hdd to the master position on its own drive and the cd-rom to the master position also in its own position.

We connect to the cable select position when we want the system to select the drives by its own.


Meaning the file has an attribute to it or the file cannot be worked on
Usually you will get this error msg if you are trying to read a file that is not readable or if no disc is inserted.
This is when you miss type a command or if DOS does not recognize the command.
DOS cannot locate the, an important file that holds all of the DOS needed information’s will need to recopy it and there may be chances of virus in the system.
Program has attempted to divide something by zero
Disc in the drive is not readable or no disc is in the drive
Attempt to copy a file could not be completed b\c the file already exist or is being copied the same source or destination.
The file you are looking for is not in the directory or there is no file in the directory.

Something bad has occurred and DOS doesn’t know what to say it just give you this answer. Hdd failure can cause this kind of error report.

Disk is full or if you are trying to copy a file too large for the disk destination target.
Format command cannot format the specified disk or the disk capacity is invalid or bad disk.
The wrong switch was typed such as cd\ when you are supposed to type cd/

When you are trying to boot a drive without a disk in the drive, also when the disk in the drive is not formatted or is miss the necessary booting files it required

Trying to write to a disk that is locked.


This is one of the latest upgraded system windows operating system that we use in the recent time. The full meaning is Microsoft windows service professional. It now come in different operating mode modes called service packs. we have service pack 1,service pack 2,and last but not the least of the operating systems called service pack 3.from service1-3,each has an enhance utility that it is known for. Whenever you are running an XP and it asked for file or report that it needs some missing file to continue running. Don’t skip anything and know that file in respect to the disk in the drive is corrupt or there is file in the disc. And thing that can cause the system to ask for files is the hard disk. check the hardware in the device drive.
However the window xp is one of the best operating system from the Microsoft family, even the so called Vista is yet to beat the operating system in terms of system performance. XP 2005 was a huge success in the history of operating system as it ushers in the era of hyper technology performance in computer history. Everyone one can enjoy and do many things with the computer as the operating system supports many programs and applications from different developers.


By cloning we mean assembling different parts of computer to form a complete system. A cloned system can be referred to as an unbranded system, meaning that different component from different makers were assembled to for a complete system. However a system bought with from a particular maker is called a branded system. e.g., compact, Sony, mercury e.t.c.
However, to clone a system we first bring the casing which most times come with the power pack. Lose the power pack to give way to fix the motherboard. Screw carefully in perforated place to avoid electrocute when power is on. Motherboard housed different components of a system. Fix back the power pack and check the voltage rate as our domestic voltage rate is 220v any thing below 220v is not normal. power to see if their is light in the board run the test for like 30mins[standard] or 15mins[minimal].
Fix the Rams in the RAM banks and run another test. Fix the cards into the expansion slots e.g. the sound cards the VGA cards and the LAN cards. The most efficient and fastest card adapter is the PCI slot adapter. You fix the processor into the own position and then run another power test to confirm that they are working. The you fix the IDE to their own position and connect to hire different drives respectively run a power test the fix the cables to the normal position as the miss application of this cables might deter the smooth running of the system. Cover the casing and fix the external components like the mouse, the keyboard, the VGA cable the printer and other e.t.c.


The power pack as the name sound is the power supplier of the system. We have two types of P.P the AT and ATX the AT power pack is the normal and most common P.P as it does not have auxiliary power cable. But the ATX P.P is referred to as customize P.P. it has extra cable called the auxiliary power cable. normal voltage for P.P in this part of the world is 220v u like the foreign voltage which is 110v.

The mother board is the engine room of the system as is house different components of the system. It is the center of every operation that is carried out in the system. The capacity of the mother board is determined by the capacity of the Processor that it uses.

As the name sound it is the bank of the system RAM. It is all the Rams use in a system is fixed. There are different type of Rams e.g. EDO RAM, SDR, DDR. RD. These are different types of Rams that we have and they come in their own diff. capacities. It is the RAM that makes the system to be fast in operation as the more RAN you add to system the faster it will become. RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY is the full meaning of RAM it access all the available memory in a system to provide the required the information needed

The processor is the brain of the computer it processes all the required information as demanded by the RAM whose work is to access the data being processed by the processor.
The processor works hand in hand with the RAM as the two determines if the system is fast or not. The processor comes with a heat sink and a fan. The work of the heat sink is to absorb the heat that is coming from the processor, without the heat sink the processor will go up in flames. The fan is there to cool the processor as the heats are coming out from the processor. We have different types of processor namely the fix or pin processor, the slot processor and the pin less processor. The fix processor come in different models and types of PCs, but the slot processor are mostly see in Pentium 3 PCs, the pin less mostly comes in the range of P3,P4,PM,P5 e.t.c.


The expansion slots are adapters provided in a specific location on the PC, they are use in connecting logical cards to the system. Example of cards used in expansion slots are sound cards, VGA card e.t.c. We have different types of expansion slots which include P.C.I, I.S.A, AGP, e.t.c.
It is used in connecting audio devices to the system.

This is called the video/visual graphics adapter/array. It is used to connect and display audio and graphic data through the monitor.

This is called the Local Area Network. It is used to connect the Ethernet cable to the system. The card is used to generate network for internet purposes.


These are cables used in connecting the power switch, led display cables e.t.c. Each cable bears a name on it, and it is slotted into the motherboard following their name or sign orientation. Most times their names are writing on the cables for you to choose the one that you want to.


This must be fitted into its slot as may be written on the board. Normally the floppy drive adapter is the smallest among all the IDE adapters on the motherboard. However the floppy drive is where the floppy diskette is being slotted into the system. The drive reads and interprets the data in the floppy for us to understand through the system command.


This drive is the compact disc are being slotted to system, this drive interprets data in the cd for us to understand. It must be fitted very well in the adapter and jumper to the proper position depending on number of drives in use.


This must be the last thing that you must fix into the system, the hard disk always represented on the board as HDD. it is the heart of the system as every data, programs or any thing that is being stored into the system are saved on the HDD .it is also called the drive O.


Is connected with the power cable and the VGA. It display all the command entered in the system through the keyboard.


Is connected to the c.p.u. is used to give command to the computer. We different types of keyboards, they are serial, Ps2, and the USB keyboards respectively.


Is connected to the c.p.u. is used to give and select the type of command that you want to give the computer.


In maintenance the basic things we do is called troubleshooting.


By these we mean careful tracing and deleting the problems with the computer system. Two types of troubleshooting are as follows:

This is going from the unknown to the known. The unknown is always difficult to understand.
For you to troubleshoot very well you must discharge yourself and the tools. Always remember that the power test is the most important thing to do in troubleshoot.
However you must be familiar with the components and the parts of the system, in other to know the ability of each of the components.
Remember that the parts of the computer are not the same thing as the components of the system.

This is still in the process of thorough evaluation. By this we mean the power conversion .i.e. the rate of voltage that is required to power the computer accurately
N/B: our normal voltage in Nigeria is 220v-230v {NIG}, AND
110v-220v {America}

Is known the required voltage the system will take in and the voltage it uses to transmit out operation.
In dealing with a motherboard pls to avoid confusion use your pen and sheet of paper draw a draft of the system on it in other to remember how you lose the system or how you remove any switch on the system and the cable accurately.
When brushing the board remember not to put the board under the sun. To run a power test fix the power switch from the power pack or you can use your screw to on it by inter-connecting at the power panel and the fan will start.

When you power the mother board without mounting it on the casing, listen to the beeping coming from the boarding,1st fix the V.G.A. to see the display, on the display you will see the components that are in the system and the ones that are not there e.g. hdd, Ram, processor e.t.c. it power successfully without any interruption then proceed to mount the it on the casing but remember to put a carbon under it to avoid raw contact with the metal casing, and only were there is insulator and improvise were there is none.
then you power the system and listen to the beeping sound, the first sound that you will here lets take it that there is no ram, VGA e.t.c. will be that of the ram, followed by the VGA, the ram sound come in a single strike sound of: beam---beam, bit will come repeatedly, while the VGA sound will come in a double strike sound of: beam, beam. Then fix the require components and power to listen if it continues know it that one of the cards you fix are not good ,moreover the bad one will be notice ether the system is not displaying after booting or it is not booting properly.

There are different types of motherboard, but the ones we are to talk about here are the Gigapro and the Gigabyte motherboard.
Gigapro motherboard do not carry detachable processor .it carries an on board processor. Though early processor come with detachable processors.
Well among the two above mentioned boards the gigabyte is the modern version i.e. the current version and the higher grade among them.
Also another thing that you will take note of is that window xp will not set up in a system with ram of capacity below 64mb.know it that 64mb is the minimum required ram that can allow you to run win xp.


Boot the system, tap F2and DEL button if don’t know the key to enter setup. Most system enters setup with the F2, DEL or F12 in the case of laptops. On entering the setup environment, go to the boot priority setting and set the system boot sequence to the following format:
1st boot sequence--CD-ROM/DVD
2nd boot sequence--HDD
3rd boot sequence--FLOOPY
Check the master/slave position; make sure that the hdd is in the master position and the cd-rom in the slave position. Put them all in auto under 32 bit/LNB. Use the autos detect of hard drive and know if your hardware is being seen by the system.
when you must have confirmed the all the setting are alright proceed in slotting the software for loading the OS in the drive save and exit from the setup environment and press start with cd-rom option(if you are loading 98se OS)and press any key to start if you are loading win xp OS.


Know that 98se OS is the only OS that carries both DOS and window utility at the same time.
So to run 98se OS after checking the necessary thing that you need to check in the setup environment you save and exit then chose the option that states start with CD-ROM support this will bring you out to the A:\ prompt the you will type fdisk meaning find disc, these will display all the information about your system so that you will then chose the type of format you want the hdd to be formatted in.
After fdisk you will be furnished with the following options:
Create DOS partition
Set active partition
Delete partition
Display partition information
Chose the option that states display partition information to know the required information about the hdd. Go back with Esc button and chose delete option, you must first delete the primary dos partition before any other partition or else it will not delete any selected partition apart from 1st deleting the dos partition. Make sure that after you delete any portion you create another one. After creating dos partition you set one partition active for the system to boot from that one. Esc and restart the system start with cd-rom support, and then you will arrive at the A:\ prompt, type thee following: A:\ FORMAT C:\ and Y for yes to continue formatting. After formatting you will then systemize the disc to make it bootable or else if don’t systemize the disc and go on to setup the OS the system will not boot after you remove the cd-rom.

If you systemize a disc you will get this answer SYSTEM TRANSFERED.
Go to c:\ type dir and the files and directories under the drive will be listed. However as a new formatted disc you will only see which is one out of the three main files transferred when you systemize. Know that when you systemize a disc three major file transferred to your disc are: INPUT SYSTEM, OUT PUT SYSTEM, and COMMAND.COM.
In the c:\ type md win98se, by these you have make directory in which you will copy the system files into. Go to E:\ type dir and all the files and directories in that drive will be displayed, type cd win98se, by these you have called in the win98se OS main file and is ready to copy, then copy the files and the extension from there to c:\win98se,you must specify it to copy to win98se or else it will copy to the hdd on the open. To copy the file in the win98se you will type in the E:\copy *.* C:\win98se.when the file have finished copying it will tell you that it copied 102 files, any thing less than this know it that the files didn’t copy well. But when it must have copied the 102 files go to C:\ call in the win98se and type setup the setup will begin to run. Then you follow the options that will prompt you to choose and run the setup.
N\B: Note that 98se is used to determine if a hdd is good or not as any good hdd will format well and complete in 98se, also win 2000 can do that too.


If you want to run window service professional on your system you must make sure that the system RAM is up to the required capacity to run the setup. The minimum capacity to run the setup is 64mb.
however to run win xp on your system, insert the disc with the OS into the system and it will prompt you to press any key to start from cd-rom, make sure that you are reading the messages at the bottom of the screen called the status bar, wait until the window starts the setup and ask you to press Esc or enter to begin or cancel the setup, followed by pressing F8,however delete partition with D and crate another one with C, after a new partition proceed to format with F and the system will start to format, moreover the system will be showing you the options to choose, it is not like running the 98se OS, which you will have to do all the things by your self, rather these type of OS is the enhance version of OS that normally do almost everything by it self. After formatting it will copy the setup by it self, the system will restart still leave the disk inside the drive when the system restart, it will move on to copying the required files for the setup the system reboot after each stage and finally will setup the OS and after you must have fill in the license key, user name work group, and the network setting which is not all that important as you are not connected to the internet at the moment.


The major difference between fat32 and NTFS is that fat32 though a higher version supports or allows you to upgrade the system if you wish to while NTFS do not support or allows you to upgrade. By this we that system the is setup with NTFS can never be upgraded let say you setup 98se with NTFS and later wish to upgrade it to win xp you must have to reformat the system b\4 you can setup the win xp, but if the system is setup with fat32 you don’t need to reformat the system again all you need to do is to start to upgrade it immediately.

XP cannot be run on a system below 64mb of ram. For you to enjoy win xp on your system your ram must be up to 256mb lowest 180mb, and the processor must not be lower than 900 MHz.



A printer was giving a command to print some pages of information from the system, along the line to print the information it stop to print after printing some pages, there are still indication that there is still light in the power indicator.
When printer develops such a problem that it could not print a given command, go to the system go to the control panel to the printer and fax option, don’t delete the printer as you may not find the driver if you want to install it again. Only delete when you know that you can get the driver for the printer model. On the printer and fax environment you will see the whole number of command given to the printer and delete by right clinking select cancel, after canceling the printer will be fresh again to receive new command. note that you must not give the printer multiple command as it will hang the performance, you must allow the printer to execute a given command b\4 you give it another one.


When diagnosing a V.G.A. problem you must make sure that the monitor is switched on so that you have to confirm when it started displaying any signal. first check if the C.P.U. carries an on board V.G.A. test if it is displaying if not then you have to improvise by fixing a V.G.A card to the system and make sure that the new card is tested in another system to confirm that it is good and plug back the cable to the new card and check the monitor for display. if it not displaying check the monitor to see if the brightness and the contrast setting of the monitor has been tempered.

A working computer all of the moment stop working and every effort by the owner to make it power again where in vain so the system was brought to you to repair. What will you do?

As the system couldn’t boot again discharge the ram if it continues the you know that you have to drive the P.P
1st check the voltage regulator of the P.P if it is up to the required voltage to power a system. if not you change it through the regulator switch at the body of the P.P, if it still not responding then you have to dismount the P.P from the system use a copper, led, or wire to drive the P.P by 1st checking the color assignment for the you to know the one that carries the main positive and negative power.2nd if you don’t know color assignment just use the wire and inter-connect the cable head ports one straight line against the other b\4 you are through with the whole ports one pair must bring light if it didn’t bring light then you know that the power pack is not good, but where it is good you proceed to mounting the power pack back to the system next check the system processor if it is working normal by removing the heat sink from it and use the back of your hand and felt the processor immediately you on the power mind you in testing the processor like this the power test must not past 5seconds to avoid blowing the processor. However if it didn’t heat up within that specified time know it that the processor is not good. But where let say now it is good no it that automatically the ram is not good.

Whenever the system give information that the spooler is not good know it that the printer data cable is not good.

Check the connection to know if the are well connected the you have to go to the ram and discharge it. Know it that the ram and the P.P work hand in hand. Fix back the ram and the system will boot if there is no major fault with the system.

The problem with the monitor is that if you plug it on the light it will begin to smell.
the monitor was lose and the power cable was tested and it was alright, likewise the fuse was tested it was alright too, so we trace our problem to the power capacitor and it was found out that it was leaking current. So the leakage was bridge by adding a flexible wire to one of the legs of the capacitor that was leaking current and join it with the leg of the other capacitor near to it and a power test was run and the smell stopped immediately.


The problem with the system is that it will boot only to hang at the ram test environment which is that first major display that tells you if the system has seen the keyboard, mouse, hdd e.t.c.
The diagnosing start from the ram to the processor, still the problems persist, the board was discharged and the system starts to boot normal again without any problem.


Disk fragmentation is an utility tool built in the system windows. It is a software utility tool used in repairing the hdd. It is used to wipe\clean clusters in form of fragment in the hdd caused by unfinished programs as a result of power fluctuation and shutting the system down improperly.
However we use disk fragmentation to wipe out this fragmentized cluster that cause the hdd to have cracks which may cause the system to crash, run slowly or not perform well.

On the disk fragmentation environment the entire available disk on the system will be shown on the dialogue box, you will the select the disk that you want to defragment, select defragment option on the box and the disk will start defragment. However below you will see a bow with different colored columnist will be two, the upper one shows the state of the disk b\4 defragment while the down one shows the state of the disk after defragment. The RED colors are the fragmented files, the white color represents the free space in the hdd, the green color represents the unmoved files, while the BLUE represents the contagious files. take a close look you will see how it will first compact the files b\4 moving it, when accessing the file if it is not good it will mark it bad.
When there is high level of fragmentation it will take time to finish i.e. if there is too many gaps to repair it will take time to read the percentage of the fragmenting. However we defragment because there are too many clusters in the hdd which have cause the hdd not to perform fast and normal. Which might have left the hdd in a state that if you are not fragmenting you are formatting?
Remember the defragmentation does not remove virus from the system as it is not an antivirus. It only prepares the hdd to be working well and fast. Sometimes bad cluster may trap some file and while trying to remove them, it may affect other files, those trapped files might be virus and defragmentation will not remove them rather if you try to remove them they will degenerate to other files corrupting them.
Some external files like the cd-rom, flash, mp3, removable disk e.t.c. can also be defragment.


When a hdd crashed there are so many way of to retrieve back the information in it or even repair it back if the damage is not too bad. Take the hdd and jumper it to the slave position and go to another working system and connect it, if it see the hdd it will show R sing meaning repairing, the it will begin by verifying the integrity of the disk in this options: Verifying file record segment 1 of 3
Verifying index record segment 2 of 3
Verifying security description 3 of 3
After running these test access the hdd through the good one then copy out the files inside it for safety reason, then defragment the bad disk to enable it to remove the bad cluster, go to start button--All programs--Accessories--System tools--Defragmentation.
However if the system doesn’t show any R sign when you first connect the hdd never mind the system will
Just do the rest for you. What matters is for the system to see the hdd.


These normally during installation of program and along the line the program could not finish, or the software disc is corrupt, or is being terminated these will cause the window to perform a roll back.


These is an allocated memory to the display unit by the default which enable the display unit to be able to show any graphics\animation, the higher the memory the more it can be able to show more graphics and animation no matter how small at a time.
Normally the video memory of your system will cut some memory of your default and use it for display purposes. I.e. if your system ram capacity is 256mb, and after installation of programs u for out that the memory is now 200mb, know it that the remaining 56mb has gone for video memory.
However when loading a program and it asked for more free space, go to bios setting of the system and change the video settings or you can go to control panel at display settings and reduce the video memory of the system. This normally happens when loading printer, arch cad e.t.c. You can change it back after the installation.


This is the main driver the controls all the installation of the system. Without them installations on the system will not be complete. They are quite different from the system driver. They are the drive loaded in the chips that are found on the motherboard. These type of drivers are in built drivers waiting to be activated when you are loading an OS. Lets say you formatted a system and after loading the operating system the system will not have sound, these does not mean that the system does not have sound in it rather the sound controller has not being activated, that is the sound controller on the motherboard has not been activated for the system to bring out sound.


This is software that enables you to activate the system board drivers. Every system has it own driver, but some OS like the win xp sp2, carries emulating driver for most system. These system driver is not the main driver rather it helps to activate the factory built driver inside the system, as the whole driver the system requires is built in form of a chip inside the motherboard, only to be activated with these
Divers. Note that you will use the same driver u used for desktop for laptop too. The same thing that is applicable in laptop is applicable in desktop.


By USB devices it means any devices that use USB port to connect to the computer. Most modern device produce these days come in form of USB device. They are automatically recognize\configured by the system. Whenever the system tells you that it sees an unknown USB device know it that the device is not good and if the USB is through wire connection know that the wire\cable is not good. However make sure that the USB driver is activated by going to the system properties, right click on the my computer icon on the desktop environment ,select properties--device manager, scroll down to USB device and check if it carries a question mark on it. If it carries it then means that the USB drive is activated. But if it didn’t carry any question mark then know the device is unknown because it is not good, that is why the system couldn’t recognize it.
Note also that these may happen when you plug lower USB device in a higher speed port.


Memory is a temporary electronics device that helps to store information on the system. We have two types of memory reading, namely RAM and ROM.


By random we mean that the memory helps to access data in the system randomly instead of alphabetically or sequentially. By random we that irrespective of the place or the other which the information is stored it can access it at any time without first accessing the ones before it or tempering with them. By this way information is access easily from the computer.


Information in the ROM is non volatile i.e. you cannot erase the data or the temper with it. But with the aid of a software you can store, change, and adjust the information. However by ROM we mean that it can only read the memory or the information on the disc and translate it to the computer language. We have different types of rams e.g. CD-ROM{Recordable}, CD-ROM{Rewritable}, DVD-ROM{Rewritable}.As we have the different ROM drives, so do we have discs for writing the information e.g. CD{recordable} and CD{Rewritable} respectively.


Buffered means that the information in a memory logic sticks is protected. It is only associated with memory. And can only be seen in a new board manual where the manufacturers will tell us if the memory is buffered or not. It is advisable to use a buffered memory so as to enhance the system performance and protect its data.


These means that the information on the memory is not protected. Using unbuffered memory is like suicide mission. Because any thing that happens like excessive power may cause the lost of the memory.
As we earlier said that buffered and un-buffered is only associated with ram. When a memory is not buffered, power fluctuation can damage it. We only know that a ram is buffered through the carry come manual that comes when you by a new board or system. Only the manual can tell us the level of buffer a ram has.


Is an unwanted program that affects the smooth running and the system performance? Whenever a virus affects a system it doesn’t affect any thing that it sees. It only affects drives that contain the type of information that it want to corrupt. How ever when a virus affects a system all we have
To carry in mind that in the hdd. Virus are dynamic in nature, these makes it to affect different types of file or data in the system.However we have different types of virus namely:

1. Those that affect the boot sector files
2. Those that affect the ordinary file
3. those that affect both the boot sector and the ordinary files at the same time
4. Those that affect the root files of the system.

1. Troghan horse 2.rootkits virus 3.worms 4. Macro 5.script e.t.c.

We de-virus by sing a viable and strong anti-virus program. We also de-virus by formatting.


WORM: is a program that creates copy of its self, each of which creates a copy of them self thereby multiplying randomly. They can spread through your documents with you knowing it.
TROGHAN: A virus that masquerades it self like a useful program. It changes into a desirable icon of a program in the system.
MACRO: A program hidden in a word processor document or spread sheet usually with a destructive capacity.
SCRIPT VIRUS: Like a macro virus but written in a dynamic computer language, like signatures or java script.


Every computer user is bound to receive a cryptic note from windows warning that some error has occurred in side your system. Errors a not bad thing it only mean that the program has realized a problem has occurred and has foresight to warn you about it.
Though the white cross on the red background and the yellow exclamation mark can be intimidating, there is often a fair simple cure to the error being indicated.
Below is an identity parade of some common error message with useful explanation of what they mean and their remedies.


‘There is not enough memory to run this program’. Quit one or two programs and then try again YES or NO
This is one of the user friendly messages that can appear when you are using windows, as it actually suggests action that you can take to remedy that situation. It also means that there is not enough memory to start a program and may also appear if many programs are running at the same time.
Close the entire necessary program. If these messages persist then make changes through the control panel.
PROCEDURE: Go to start button---settings---control panel----system performance---virtual performance.
Make sure that there is no maximum size specified for the virtual memory. It is for windows to specifically check the disk free space.


The cause of this message may also be the same as the limited memory to carry out the task. Every window application requires certain amount of memory to function when the application is closed the memory is freed up for other application to use. Some times application may not free up the ALLOCATED MEMORY when terminated. This may lead to such error message. It may also occur in the middle of work so try to close down all other application to enable you to save successfully and the restart the system for the window to free up all available memory.
The system is dangerously low in resources would you like to terminate the following application¬¬. Winword.exe YES NO.


This occurred when you are trying to delete or rename a file that is in use. This means that it is currently open on your pc.

Close an application that may be using the file in question. If your system recently crashed, when windows believes that the files are still open. Restart the windows.
Cannot delete ngozi.doc. ACCESS DENIED. Make sure that the disk is not full or right protected and that the file is not currently in use.


Where a program is mistakenly or deliberately removed or delete from the pc without due procedure of using add and remove utility software module, the chances are that the shortcut of this program will remain on the following messages will appear as window attempts to find the file which the shortcut refers to.
To rectify this reinstall the deleted application or delete the shortcut. Example: Window is searching for the winword.exe. To locate the file your self click on browse option.


This message is self explanatory. When a file being copied is too large for the destination it is being copied to. It is not possible to split the files across more than one disk. Therefore the solution is compressing the file using the utility WinZip.
Example ‘The file to be copied is too large for the destination drive,’ If possible insert a higher capacity disk. RETRY CANCEL


Warning: Window has detected a registry\configuration error. Chose safe mode to start the window, with minimal set of drivers.

The Registry is a kind of data base that contain all the information the window needs to keep the track of your hardware and software. This message requires urgent attention when noticed. This is because the window is making a report that there is problem with the all important Registry. This message appears when the window is booting or running windows in safe mode. However running windows in safe mode loads the minimal driver but doesn’t solve the problem
Just follow the error message prompt to load windows. A Registry problem box will appear. Click the restore from backup and then restart button.
Windows will attempt to load the Registry form it’s automatically created archive of backup copies. Ensure a steady supply of power when you are running the restore operation. Reboot after a successful operation .If the problem persist reinstall windows and all the requested software’s.

When the windows cannot boot and report registry error press F8epecilly if the OS is window ME it will take you to DOS prompt on entering the ODS environment i.e. C:\WINDOW\SCANREG,and it will register all the missing command files.


When windows cannot detect a hdd enter the CMOS and BIOS environment before any other thing, check the hdd settings and see if the hdd is on NATIVE MODE. If it is on the native, change it as it will cause the system not see the hdd. Then you warm boot. If the bios setting of the hdd is on native mode the system will not see the hdd, you must disable the native mode setting before the system will have to see it. This problem is likely to be experience in branded system\customize systems, if you remove their hdd and prepare it on another system and put it back it will not see it. N\B: you cannot setup up a window xp in one system just to use it in another. You must set it up on the system that will use it.

Quick formatting of hdd is not a standard recommended option when formatting a hdd. It will only format a small portion of the hdd. It may format faster than the one you did normal formatting, if the hdd is good it will format normal but were the hdd is not good it still might format fast as it will not detect if the disk is bad or not. A hdd formatted with quick format may crash on event of power interruption. Quick formatting of a system is just meant for a supplementary supporting format option, after you might have formatted the system with unconditional format option{normal format}.You must format normal before you can apply the quick format option if the need arises.

This type of format is the best format option use can use to prepare a system. During normal format if the hdd is good it will go normal but were the hdd is not good it will stop on reaching the bad spot when formatting it will begin to recover allocation unit, sometime it will hang. If the hdd is a bit manageable it will past and continue, but if it is too bad it will just hang there.

A hdd was formatted after the formatting we proceed to loading programs. Along the line during loading of programs the system demand for more free space to continue operation as window cannot continue to load the programs. On going back to the system setting it was discovered that the total disk space is 10GB but the system is seeing only 483MB,Changes were made at the IDE device settings option the whole device where put to AUTO from floppy to hdd and the LNB was changed to normal. Then the system was restarted and the lost volume of the hdd was recovered.

If when you might have formatted a disk and still the files copied are corrupted try use window98se to re-format the disk again, because window98se carries an inbuilt anti virus and it helps to detect if a hdd is good or not. With the help of the in built antivirus it wills de virus the disk thoroughly. Also you can take the hdd to another system jumper it and use it to format it.

Many things can be responsible for this. First virus can make the hdd not to copy files well. So make sure that the cd-rom is driving well trusted. Also check the software you are using because if it has crack it might also cause it. If the problem continues take the hdd to another system and prepare it there by first formatting it there copy some files into it from that system and then take it to its original system and prepare it there

Is a huge internal database of windows settings, This task is recommended to be performed every day, it is important to perform this task but it normally over looked by pc users. Every time a program is being installed it makes changes in the windows Registry. All window program and windows it self stores a massive array of information inside the database. These thousands of entry control the behavior and appearance of virtually everything in your system. The changes in your system are not handled correctly in the registry, leading to conflict and slow down of your pc. Over the time leads to bloated and possibly corrupt the registry. cause of these are: frequently installing or uninstalling programs, Removing a program which leaves trace behind, Leftover entries from a hardware uninstall, unused driver on your system. You can edit registry using windows program called Regedit, but it is job left for professional pc users.

At least after every month try to remove any program that you barely use, this will help to unpack cluster and fragment the surround the un used program.

Disk clean up is a fantastic built in utility that automates regular maintenance task to improve pc performance, such as deleting temporary internet files, setup log files, e.t.c. To start disk clean up double click on my computer icon on your computer and right click on C: drive and then select properties. Now click disk clean up, your computer will spend few moments to analyzing it self. When it has finished the audit window will give you list of areas that it found files to clean up. To clean up an area tick on the box next to it and the click on ok, this will then take some time to finish.

At least this can be done quarterly. It is also a built in utility tool for improving the system performance.

These improves the time it takes to load a program, windows guesses which files are likely to be needed next and it generally works well overtime though the prefect cache can become clogged with files you no longer need and that can slow down windows startup.



Before discussing networking engineering we have to first list and explain the items need for networking.
These are two types of cable wire use for send and receiving of information
This is where the information received from both TX and RX wires are decoded, these are connected from the receiver hanged in front of the dish to the modem which will then pass the information to the other devices i.e. the computer. We have different types of modem namely: ail-up modem (which can voice out) and ordinary modem (voiceless).
Is a device hanged in front of the disc extended by a bent metal. As the name sounds it receives information from the satellite and passes it to the modem to decode. They come in different bands, e.g. KU band and the C band e.t.c.
Is the dish like pan which reflect the information to the receiver. All dish in this region faces east.
Is a device that regulates the transmission on the internet. It picks the most efficient root to connect through; each packet can pass through several routers before reaching its destination.
It is an electronics device which serves as an instrument used in checking the unauthorized use of the server. If you code the server, it will be hard for an UN authorize person to have access to the server, i.e. the modem. It is the gateway through which the IP address is seen by the satellite. We have two types of router namely the wireless and non wireless routers.
This is main system which now controls all the information that the modem receive. It is a computer system which is prepared as the main server which controls and directs the flow of information that is received from the modem. It is from this main system that you can give access to other computers.

This is a controller switch which enables the server system to give access to other systems that will be connected to it through the switch. It has holes or ports in which an RJ45 PLUG or any other version of plug can be plugged into. There is also option to connect the main server which will be indicated on the body of the switch. We have different size of switch.
It is a long pan made of aluminum, used in holding wires together. It helps to put the wires in place and making the work look neat.
Is a plastic holder used to bundle the wires together. Any type of shower pin can be used.
It is metallic instrument used in crimping the RJ45 plug fixed with the communication wire. It fattens the plug together with the wire to enable communication.
It is used to connect the receiving system to the hub. It connects the server to other systems. It communicates information through different colored wires. We have different types of communication wires namely: CAT 5e, CAT 6 CAT 7 e.t.c. They come in different colors but most common is the black. If you are using a lower version of the wire make sure that the range is not long, because the longer the range of wire the slower the communication will be when you are using lower version of the wire.
Is a plastic plug fixed at the end of the communication wire after selecting the colors carefully? It is fastened with the aid of the crimping tool to the communication wire.

WHITE---------- ORANGE--------ORANGE W\O\O
WHITE---------- GREEN---------- BLUE W\G\B
WHITE----------BLUE-------------- GREEN W\B\G
WHITE----------BROWN-----------BROWN W\B\B

LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN):Use to connect computers within the same vicinity or place. GEOGRAPHICAL \
METROPOLITAN AREA NETWORK: Use to connect computers within the same geographical locations. It is a network of computer service that covers only a metropolis \ geographical location
WIDE AREA NETWORK: Use to connect computer into a wide range of network like the http:// www…. It connects the computer to the wide area network.


One of the ways to gain access to the internet is to subscribe to the commercial information services e.g. American Online (AOL) services. There duty is to connect information services. This connection is popular for persons at home or small business. AOL and other commercial information services are themselves large self contained networks. Each of them provides an electronic gateway to the internet.
At this level of connection we make connection via a dial-up connection through an ISP. This method links us up to the internet directly.
NOTE: A dial-up connection is a temporary connection established using a dial-up number with a line linked to a remote pc and t the internet access. An ISP is any company or that provides individuals and organization with access to the internet.
This level is preferable to the above mentioned two because it gives faster internet interaction. At this level our pc is wired directly to the internet usually via a local area network (LAN). To have direct connection our pc must be connected to a LAN dat is linked to an internet host.

Is the company that provides you with internet services are the owners of the server from which you receive your internet network service.

Transfers information to small packet and send it across through the network. It is a rule or a way of locating an address. It tells us how to access a particular file. http is a primary method of accessing the internet.
Is a transmission unit of a fixed size of data or information.
Helps to check if packet are well reassembled at its destination computer and it also check if there is any lose or damage and automatically send it back if there is file missing.
It means hyper test transfer protocol. It is divided into http and ftp

Hyper text mark-up language: Is a computer language use to create web pages. An HTML document has an extension i.e. HTML or HTM. We can create a html document using a text editor or word processor. When we enter html command called task we define how text or graphics will appear on the pages. Task usually work in pair and affect the text between them e.g. [B] dogs [B] , this command will produce dogs in bold letters e.g. DOGS

Web pages are hyper text document. A hyper text document contains hyper lighted text that connects to other pages on the web. They are also called hyper links. They are colored text that can connect to other web pages. They can display a page located on the same pc on other pc across the city or the world. Hyper lighted text allow us to easily navigates through a vast amount of information by jumping from one web page to another.

Means uniform resource locator.

Bringing down information from another pc on the internet.

When we are sending information from our computer to the internet we are uploading.

Is part of the internet, it consists of all the programs and documents contained in all the pcs all over the world. It is also called the web, www, w3.

Is a document on the web. It can include text, pictures, sounds, and video. It is a unit of a site.
Is a collection of web pages maintained by collages, universities, government, non-governmental organizations, individuals, e.t.c.

Is a pc connected to the internet that makes web pages available in the world.

This is the range of frequencies with a given band. As it implies it depend on the user to choose the type of range connection that you want if you want high range or low range. We have different types of bandwidth example: KU and C band respectively.

In the diagram you will see how connection flows form the center system which is the server, to the other systems called the WORK STATION, all of them together are called WORK GROUP.


The diagram below shows the connection from dish to the server room then to the other rooms that are within the vicinity or compound. Note that all dish in these southeast region faces east.

NOTE: That tall buildings and tall trees may affect the smooth running of your router.
1. CAT 5e roll of wire
2. RJ45 plug (packet)
3. crimping tool \ machine
4. LAN tester
5. shower clips
6. trunk box

The above diagram shows us how to connect a dish with computers and make them to be browsing the internet.
The work first start by mounting the dish, and the receiver i.e. LNB. however your Internet service provider ISP will help you in mounting the dish as the will be communicating with you telling the degree of the region you will mount the dish and will confirm it if you get the polarity. Then you run the two cable wire i.e. the TX and RX which is responsible for receiving and sending information. You will then connect it to your modem.
From the modem you then run the connection down to your router which blocks unauthorized access to your server.
The router will feed the cables to the system. At this point of connection their two ways you can run connection:
1. If the system (server) carries two LAN ports you run the connection to the system and from the other port provision you run connection to the hub.
2. the other connection is you run the connection from the router to the hub then from the hub you feed the main server, then with the other connection in the hub you feed the other system (work stations).
When the work stations are connected you have build a global village. I there is other rooms within the vicinity the needs connection like show in the diagram all you need is to run a cat5e wire down to a hub in the supposed room the from the hub feed the other systems.


Is a program that allows us to view and explore information on the World Wide Web (www). Some popular browsers include:

Is currently the most popular browser in the world today. It is available for computers running different operating systems like the OS/2, UNIX, LINUX, MACHINTOSH (APPLE) e.t.c. visit

Microsoft Internet explorer is a newer browser in the internet. It is quickly becoming the most popular browser. Visit

It is also one of the most popular browsers on the net. It makes surfing the net an easy task. Visit

There are so many other web browser which are being frequently use on the internet which we may not explain here e.g. Opera, crazy browser, crazy monkey, avant, Google chrome, e.t.c. You are made to understand in this passage what we do with web browser and their uses.


We can create and publish web pages to share information with people around the world. People publish on the web pages to share their favorite pictures, hobby and interest; companies publish on the web pages to share their products and promote their business and publish job opportunities and vacancies.


The first page that we normally view on the web is called the homepage. I t is like a table of continent in a book. it is the table of all the resources at the sever site. In it we have links to several other pages associated with the homepage on the sever or other severs. A homepage provides a general introduction to our web pages.

Before we start to crate web pages, we have to first decide what ideas we want to discuss and how they are related to each other. Break up your information so that you discuss on major idea on each page. And finally you will find it useful to sketch the design of our pages on a paper.


This is computer language used in creating web pages. An html document has extension that is html or htm. We can create html document using a test editor or word processor. When we enter html command called task, we define how we want the test or graphics will appear on the web pages. Task usually work in pair and affect he test between them e.g. [B] dogs [B] this command will produce the word dogs in bold letters e.g. DOGS.

We can create html document (web document) using html editor and the editor we are going to use here is called FRONT PAGE OR NETSCAPE GOLD. Front page is a member of the Microsoft family while Netscape belong to the Netscape family. Html editor makes it easier for us to create web pages because they enter the task for us these means that we don’t need to know html pc language to create web pages.


We can add images in our web pages to make it look attractive. To crest images in our computer system the images are represented as series of dots. The closer the dost the brighter the images become. The dots are called elements i.e picture elements or pixels. We can use graphics program to crate images. Programs such as the adobe Photoshop or Corel photo print to put images we add on our WebPages. Another way to put image is by copying. There are places in the internet where we can get and download images. Also we add images by scanning the image

In this topic we are to discuss the use of software to maintain computer system. Software’s as we know is defined as a written program use to communicate with the system. it is use to solve many unknown problem arising from the usage of computer system. Software’s are the main engine that engineers the movement and the simultaneous running of the computer system. We have two types of software they are namely: system software and application software.

These are those software’s that work with the main files of a system. Like the boot files and other files that hold the configurations of the system. When we run these programs no other thing is being done as it may deter the system performance, also when they are being run you make sure that there is steady supply of power to avoid damages. We have different type of application software’s the are as follows, Operating system, disk fragmentation, check disk, and scan disk e.t.c.

These are those software’s that are use to run those program that does not affect the system files. This program only goes with the registry files but does not affect the main boot file or the command files of the system. They are quite different from the system software’s as you can be running other program while they are being run. Examples of system software are Microsoft office, adobe PageMaker, yahoo messenger e.t.c.

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